Clifton Pettyjohn has served as an essential factor in both the religious and education cultures for over twenty years and a few years ago he has added influence in the culture of business to his summation. With guided passion, he meshes years of professional trainings and personal life lessons with practical & biblical principles to transform the lives of groups of divergent individuals.
Clifton’s view of purpose, vision and transformation far exceeds the norm; he expresses this through teaching, speaking, coaching & consulting, as well as through simple conversations. Clifton strongly urging people to live symmetrically through pursuing “wholeness” in all core areas of their lives. His unique skills, delivery and personality serve at the foundation of the creation of a welcoming learning environment for everyone including those viewed as ne'er-do-wells.
Clifton is the author of "From Stagnation to Transformation" his first literary project which he implements within his teachings, webinars and coaching programs. Clifton currently serves as the administrator & lead instructor of "the TRANSFORMATION centre", a faith-based community for all people. He is also the C.E.O. and Certified Transformation & Purpose Life Coach at Clifton Pettyjohn Enterprise, LLC, a wealth and affluence speaking, consulting and coaching company.
Clifton is on a life long journey of transforming lives through purposeful conversations regardless of how uncomfortable and unpopular those conversations are.
You listen to this podcast: Simple Podcast Cloud, Apple Podcast, Spotify
Check out his: Website, Facebook, Instagram
Record and Edit with "WavePad Audio"